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Caring for the planet is not just for ‘nice guys’

We have many issues on Guam that need critical attention and support. Here are a few from the top of my head:

-the lack of environmental education

-invasive species




-poor public transportation

-poor recycling habits


But with any problem, there are beaming opportunities to do something. Here are some of plenty suggestions for you to get started:

-educate yourself on topics

-educate your family and friends

-make environmentally-driven choices

-participate in community events

-connect with environmental organizations and leaders

-see something, say something

-attend public hearings

-share your experiences online



When I was in high school, I noticed that there was a serious problem with plastic bottles, and I took the opportunity to create a club that would tackle that issue. And since I graduated, the club expanded and continues to host active recycling, gardening and environmental outreach events.

After I left high school, I’ve connected with island leaders from the University of Guam, the 35th Guam Legislature and local nonprofit organizations. I’ve picked up internships and scholarships because of my commitment to caring for the planet and making my home a better place. 

And there is no shortage of opportunities to pick and lead. In fact, I encourage the community to pick up specific niches and work to improve that area as best as they can. Not everyone wants to spend their time sorting through recyclables or maintaining a garden. In which case, you can create content that teaches people about the different recyclables on Guam or speak at public hearings for protecting the environment- choose your opportunity.

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