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COVID-19 Journal

Day 15:

2 more case. Total: 57

My online classes started today.

This week is primarily for students and professors to get a feel of online learning. At first I felt excited. Watching videos of other university students zooming with their classes was quite amusing.

Day 16: tues

11 more cases. Total: 68 and 3 deaths

I’m finally working on some outreach material.

Day 17:

8 more cases. Total: 76 and 3 deaths.

Happy Earth Month!

If life was working out as planned, I would have been at the Center for Island Sustainability Conference. For the past few months, I worked with a team to identify and (potentially) mentor a cohort of youth environmentalists. But as like everyone else, our plans were either cancelled or postponed indefinitely.

And instead, I’m at home- writing blog entries to pass time.

I still haven’t tested out my experiment I had planned last week. But, I don’t think I’ll have the means to do so.

Day 18:

5 more cases. Total: 81.

I do not encourage what I am about to tell you.

I ordered an oil diffuser off of eBay a few days ago without actually needing it, and I picked it up from the mailbox. My joy of happiness was short-lived, because when I plugged it in, the oil diffuser made a continuous high pitch noise.

I wasted $35 and caused air pollution (but at least I know it sucks, right?).

Being stuck at home with less motivation to do work is not good for the mind and for the wallet. From an environmental point of view, this is quite distasteful.

Please do not buy things out of boredom. Do not create a need for anything less than essential.

Day 19:

2 more cases. Total: 83

I was having a good day until I opened my computer and found out that I had lost my previous journals saved.

I just checked the last restored file. It was there- bless up.

Fast forward a couple hours and my papa ruined half my plants.

Day 20:

9 more cases. Total: 92 and 4 deaths.

I am still upset with my papa.

Today, the government announced to expect around 700 deaths by this summer.

Day 21:

Total: 111 and 4 deaths. 23 recovered.

It’s Holy Week, which means that there’s one more week till my family eats chicken again, as well as the grandest Christian celebration of Easter.

In other news, the local government extended the Public Health Emergency to May 5, 2020. I don’t know how much longer I can keep my sanity.

I haven’t ran in 21 days, and I feel like i’m packing a few pounds. I hope it’s because I’m gaining muscle- not because I’m eating bad.

I almost finished my plant science lab, but then I didn’t because the site wouldn’t let me upload all my pictures. I’m deadass tired. no cap.

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This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. notsonative

    Kyle, I’d recommend the movie Contagion, which depicts the most accurate origin of these epidemics.

    Spoiler alert — it’s our food. A virus from one animal can jump to another and swiftly mutate to enact devastating results on humans. Smallpox, swine flu, avian flu, HIV — all came from the eating of animals.

    The culling of potatoes did not cause this.

    1. Kyle

      Thanks for the suggestion; I’ll check it out!

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