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COVID-19 Journal

Day 22:

Total: 112 and 4 deaths. 25 recovered.

deadass. I think Jon Fernandez cancelled the rest of the public school year. rip2020.

Day 23:

Total: 120 and 4 deaths. 27 recoveries.

I would say that I am slightly getting a hand on this online stuff. I’m not understanding anything any easier, in fact, everything is harder. I have more distractions at home, less motivation, and earlier today, I pooed in the middle of a lecture.

If you want to know how I am emotionally, I’ve accepted the fact that I will probably do incredibly bad this semester. I’m really just shooting for a passing grade with math. Everything else, I feel fine.

I’m writing this journal during the break before my biology lecture. I saw that the class opened at 10:50, and that there was only 1 moderator in, but I didn’t want to be the first person. class starts in a minute, but I’m gonna get something to snack on. I should be back in time.

Day 24:

Total: 124 cases and 4 deaths. 31 recovered.

If the graduating class of 2044 finds this, I want them to know that I’m really just procrastinating from studying for my pre-cal test tomorrow. I am afraid that I will fail this class. Although maybe not undeservingly. I should be studying right now, and I will after I update this. But, If I fail math, should I switch my major to tropical agriculture?

If you really need to know, my covid-19 schedule has been: 9=wake up, 9-30-11= classes, by 12pm= complete workout, by 1pm= eat breakfast, by 2pm= water plants, and then the rest of the day is other. Some of it is TikTok, intermittent eating, praying, napping, showering, etc.

I hope you and yours are safe and well during this pandemic.

Day 25:

Total: 127 cases and 4 deaths. 33 recovered.

Today was a big L.

I know I failed my pre-cal test. I think I might fail my first college class. I even looked into switching majors, but every other alternative needs me to pass pre-cal.

I also left my house for the first time since I last left it, but I couldn’t do what I had to do because the place was closed. nice.

Day 26:

Total: 129 cases and 4 deaths. 44 recovered.

I haven’t been visited by mice in a while. Or if they have, I haven’t noticed anything insanely messed with.

But on the flip side, I have a lot of growth with the seedlings, and hopefully I can get more to grow. My plan is to put a table out by the sidewalk and have my neighbors pick and choose plants for them to grow.

Day 27: Holy Saturday

total: 132 and 5 deaths. 58 recovered.

I had a two hour long meeting with UOG Green Army, but only two members showed up. 9:00 is probably too early.

It’s 11:30-ish. I have a report due to my mentor by the end of this week. I completed it.

Day 28:

Happy Easter. I attended my first tv mass, and I saw my classmate from last semester as the choir head. During mass I was distracted by the fish tank because the white cichlid kept attacking the other fish. I didn’t wanna leave mid-mass, so I kept shooing the fish with my hand. After mass, I got a net to separate it from the others after mass.

I was stoked to finally eat meat again after 39 days (I ate Wendy’s when I was traveling back from Puerto Rico). But, I’m not eating just any meat. Before Lent 2020, I dieted away from canned and processed meats (except ham and bacon), cow and deer. I did so mainly because I wanted to transition away from meats in the near future. But still allow some of my body to continue taking in protein from chicken and enjoying the tasty, juicy bacon strips.

Earlier today, the site crashed, and that was the first for me. I genuinely feared that I was hacked, and after an hour it was back up. Should I still be worried?

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This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. notsonative

    Kyle, I’d recommend the movie Contagion, which depicts the most accurate origin of these epidemics.

    Spoiler alert — it’s our food. A virus from one animal can jump to another and swiftly mutate to enact devastating results on humans. Smallpox, swine flu, avian flu, HIV — all came from the eating of animals.

    The culling of potatoes did not cause this.

    1. Kyle

      Thanks for the suggestion; I’ll check it out!

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