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COVID-19 Journal

Day 29:

Total: 133 and 58 recovered

Ever ask for something, then you get it, but you don’t want it? It’s an odd feeling. And, I’ve always had this feeling but in many forms. I never feel like I have enough, and I’m always eager for something more, something different.

It’s somewhat of a bad feel, because it means that i’m insatiable (like that movie title that I didn’t watch).

I emailed UOG support service back and told them that I am struggling with this new online learning- ’cause I am.

Day 30:

Total: 134 and 63 recovered

If this is the new normal, I don’t want it. Communicating with people through 0s and 1s isn’t a wave.

And if i wasn’t already feeling crappy this morning, I received an email that said that I didn’t win the APIA scholarship. I’m ok. I wasn’t banking on it, but it would’ve been nice to receive it.

Day 31:

Total: 134 and 73 recovered

Today marks one month of quarantining.

I’m really good at procrastinating. I was supposed to study pre-cal with my classmate, but I kept postponing it because I wanted to spend more time with my plants.

One of the things I did was cut a lemon and added baking soda. Then, I rubbed it on my knees and elbows. My inspiration was TikTok. The creator said that she uses it to soothe her knees. Mine just got hella ashy.

I studied at 2:00pm. Then I studied again at 8.

Day 32:

I woke up an hour earlier before my math test, and I can say that I feel like I was a bit more prepared for it. I was confused because I was actually finished 30 minutes before class ended, and everyone knows that if you finish math before others, you probably did it wrong. Nevertheless, I was glad to have had time to double check my work.

And if the past few days have been nothing but hellish, today was the first sign of some happiness.

I was much more happy that I even decided to make a TikTok video, haha. grow a garden #fyp.

Day 33: friday

I’ve been asking my brother to cut my hair for a while, and today was the day. I wanted to keep my hair long and just have a short trim, but he ended up going way too high at the back. 1 hour through, my head was shaped as a coconut cut in half, but I wasn’t upset, I wanted him to practice and learn a skill. My older brother was guiding him and teaching him the numbers and stuff, but I didn’t care much about that. After 2 hours and 3 different barbers (my older brother, my younger brother and my older brother’s girlfriend), my trimcut wasn’t at all bad. Don’t get me wrong, it wasn’t ideal, but for a first time, it wasn’t too bad. This was the first time us brothers did anything together, lol.

Day 34: sat

I made my grandma a “sorry I wasn’t able to celebrate your birthday with you” card, because of covid-19. I found some of the flowers I pressed and collected from arrangements in church a while back. They smell like those old lady scents. Thankfully, my grandma doesn’t smell like that

I also worked on the NSF project. I transplanted cucumbers into a container and mixed garden soil with potting soil because I’m running out. I’m not really feeling it.

Day 35:

Today, we finally rummaged through the side of the house and sorted through the junk where the rodent would hide. While we did, the rodent didn’t pop out and run, but there was a lot of its droppings. I’m hoping for the area to be cleared so that I can place more shelves for my plants. The sun sets on that side of the house, so it wouldn’t be too harsh on the plants.

I just picked up my letter to my grandma, and it twinkled. Yes, it still smells like dried flowers. I’m looking forward to giving it to her.

Earlier this afternoon, while looking through the mess that’s been to the side of the house, I found a pipe that would help me out on my NSF project. I’m going to use it to attach to the trellis netting, and I’m glad fits on the shutters for the window.

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  1. notsonative

    Kyle, I’d recommend the movie Contagion, which depicts the most accurate origin of these epidemics.

    Spoiler alert — it’s our food. A virus from one animal can jump to another and swiftly mutate to enact devastating results on humans. Smallpox, swine flu, avian flu, HIV — all came from the eating of animals.

    The culling of potatoes did not cause this.

    1. Kyle

      Thanks for the suggestion; I’ll check it out!

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