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COVID-19 Journal

Day 43:

I posted a story on my Instagram with an update on my sunflower that I planted the day after the first coronavirus case was detected and the kamote garden (check it out before the time expires!).

I’m supposed to be finishing my bio lab homework, and I will. I will get that done today, but before that I need to work out, eat, shower and then maybe nap.

Day 44:

I just re-read my whole journal. This will definitely be a part of my memoir.

Tomorrow, I plan to follow my mom to Home Depot to pick up more soil and seeds from UOG.

I was also asked to be interviewed on something environmental. I hope I don’t mess up like how I have been in all my interviews. Sigh. Why can’t I just be normal?

Day 45:

I woke up earlier than I planned to, and I reached for my phone to read up on the latest stock trends and watched a few classy, boujie, ratchet TikToks.

And just when I was about close my eyes, my mom told me to get ready. And like any teenager, my response was to stay in bed for a few more minutes (watching TikToks). Then I washed my face and changed.

I don’t remember the last time I put on my glasses, but when I did, the world was obnoxiously clear. It was too early in the morning to be this loud.

When we got to Home Depot, the line stretched past the garden section and curved by the gate side. And it wasn’t a sale. It was promised shipment on disinfectants.

Everyone had masks on, but I was still able to ID people without staring. I think I glanced over my high school English teacher, but I wasn’t too sure.

I went to Home Depot for potting soil, but they didn’t have. I was disappointed, so I spent time in the seeds section and picked out carnations and catnip- the flowers are because I loved growing them and the catnip are for people who have cats.

My disappointing morning didn’t just end with Home Depot. I went to UOG to pick up my project soil and some seeds, but the bucket wasn’t outside the building. And then it started to rain.

By the time I was given the code to enter, I had already been on Marine Drive.

Later afternoon, I checked in on my garden, and I noticed that my potted kamote kept drying out so fast. So, I placed somewhat of a deflectant that sunshine would hit first and hopefully shoot back instead of directly on the pots.

I’ll know by tomorrow.

Day 46:

Today’s the last day of Earth Month. And I gotta say, I could have done a lot more environmental activities, but I just wasn’t in the right emotional state. But today I felt a sudden urge to connect with my acquaintances to discuss post-covid-19 Guam.

I emailed Mr. Celestin Babauta from Guam Regional Transit Authority, Paul Tobiasson from Recycling Association of Guam and my island senators.

My environmental journey may have been slowed, but it has not stopped and I am determined to continue forward on my quest to create a future with cleaner air, water and soil!

I also forgot that I had a plant science classes. So, I missed my assignment, but I passed my quiz!

Day 47:

It’s May. And I’m tuned into University of Guam Center for Island Sustainability’s virtual conference.

The conference went surprisingly well. I felt like I was in one of those Black Mirror movies where reality is distorted and everything is futuristic. I was also highkey uncomfortable when I introduced myself. I didn’t shower, but I quickly changed into another shirt.

Day 48:

I don’t know what day it is. Is it Friday, Saturday or Sunday?

I’m losing track of my homework as the semester dwindles down. I need motivation to and energy to get me through the next few weeks. I cannot slack off.

I emailed my pre-cal instructor about my performance in class. I’m really afraid of failing, and I hope that I can at least get a credit for this class. I am not looking forward to repeating pre-cal, and I am seriously considering on taking Calculus over the summer just so that I can relieve myself of math for a few more semesters, and because I’m still fresh with pre-cal, at least I wouldn’t be starting at 0.

Things to complete by tomorrow:

Biology lab presentation, Plant Science assignments and quizzes, Biology lecture extra credit, NSF page write-up.

Wish me luck.

Day 49: sun

Good news. I was able to complete my plant science assignments all the way through this week’s quizzes, and I finished my NSF 2-page write-up. I still have’t found it within me to do my biology lab presentation, but I need to complete it.

New cases of covid-19 have dwindled down, and restrictions have been loosened by the government.

After breakfast, my siblings spontaneously decided to go hiking. This was the first time we ever decided to go hiking together. I’ve never been to Pågat Point, but the journey was quite enchanting.

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This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. notsonative

    Kyle, I’d recommend the movie Contagion, which depicts the most accurate origin of these epidemics.

    Spoiler alert — it’s our food. A virus from one animal can jump to another and swiftly mutate to enact devastating results on humans. Smallpox, swine flu, avian flu, HIV — all came from the eating of animals.

    The culling of potatoes did not cause this.

    1. Kyle

      Thanks for the suggestion; I’ll check it out!

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