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dear belau

Dear Belau

Dear Belau, 

They say that our life is important, that they care and that they are listening. But somewhere along their words, there is a hidden meaning.  

“We care, but only so that tourists don’t look at it. 

We are listening, but only to the silent sound of the register

Your life is important, but only if you work.” 

My government seeks to reopen our doors to countries with active cases of the coronavirus. They point to empty data, claim scientific evidence and tout “low risk.” 

But if they were so eager to open our doors to visitors, why haven’t they called you?  

You have had 0 confirmed cases and 0 confirmed deaths.  

If this was anything about opening tourism as quickly and safely as possible, you should receive our reopening letter. 

But it’s not. It was never about reopening safely. 

Dear Belau, 

I know what it feels like to have an economy dependent on tourism. I know you might understand this, too. 

The difference is that you truly care about your people- that you would forgo reopening in a pandemic because you know that the health of your people is worth more than profits. 

You understand the science and the risks, but above all, you recognize that Belau is a Pacific island with a unique culture and people worth protecting. 

You know that even if your pockets hurt, there is no monetary tradeoff that would equate to the life of a Belau citizen. 

Dear Belau, 

How much is my life worth? 

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