GRTA: Guam needs a reliable bus system

For the first time, I traveled to the University of Guam by using Guam Regional Transit Authority’s (GRTA) bus system. What would have been only a 20-minute drive, took two and a half hours to get from my home to UOG. I am disappointed in our current public transportation system, but I know that there is only room for improvement.

I am not a scientist ‘nor am I an expert in public transportation management, but I do know that our public transportation system needs extreme help and so, I decided to do something about it.

I researched by compiling testimonials, reading the 1996 thesis by Mr. Mark Miller on Guam’s publictransportation system (It was the only one available), meeting and talking with Interim president of GRTA, Mr. Celestin Babauta, as well as documenting my experience.

I wished that I could tell you that I was confident in the current GRTA administration in creating a reliable andconsistent public transportation system, but I can’t. Despite recent news of increasing the purchasing power ofconsumers by allowing tickets to be bought at our mayors’ offices, I believe that the GRTA bus system willcontinue to be unreliable, inaccessible and inconvenient.

Mr. Celestin Babauta shared with me that GRTA suffers from a range of problems including, lack of funding, maintenance, buses and drivers, as well as previous financial mismanagement.

He had shared with me that one of his priorities are his ‘plans’ to expand the ‘dial-a-ride’ service (The ‘dial-a-ride’ service is not the same as the paratransit service) by purchasing more mini-vans and hiring drivers (which I findconfusing, given that the administration’s current problem is a lack of bus drivers). I believe expanding the ‘dial- a-ride’ service is not the best path for GRTA. Back in ‘96, Mr. Mark Miller had recognized the flaw of the “Guaha Service,” which is just like the ‘dial-a-ride’ service and had suggested to eliminate it for reasons such as, the needfor a fixed bus routing and schedule.

If GRTA were to shift focus from the ‘dial-a-ride’ service, the service would still be available through private businesses such as taxis and local start-ups (e.g. Stroll Guam). What Guam doesn’t have is a reliable public transportation system that connects all of Guam. For GovGuam to compete in the ‘dial-a-ride’ market is foolish when we lack the fundamental public transportation service of a reliable bus system.

I believe that GRTA has geared off track of its true purpose, which is to provide a reliable, accessible and affordable public transportation system. Building upon the ‘dial-a-ride’ service would not increase communityappeal for Guam’s public transportation system and would not provide a true, reliable alternative to cartransportation, and therefore increase carbon emissions, car traffic and continued financial burdens.

Despite all of that, Mr. Celestin Babauta had shared with me considerable improvements such as ‘plans’ toincorporate a digital ticket service, building a new maintenance facility and purchasing new bus signs, shelters and buses.

Along with my desire for a reliable public transportation system on Guam, is my hope for our decisionmakers to create everlasting solutions that provides Guam a future with cleaner air, water and soil.

There is only room for improvement, and now is the time for realistic, meaningful action.

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